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Get Ready For Plastic Free July 2024

Maria McLaughlin    Wed 05 Jun 2024

Plastic Free July 2024 Helpful Tips!

Trying to cut down on single-use plastic or cut plastic usage out altogether why not…

• Buy less - avoid disposable products and single-use packaging.

• Do a Bin Audit - Are you recycling, composting, or avoiding waste correctly?

• Coffee cups - Bring or borrow a reusable coffee cup or dine-in at your local café.

• Water bottles- BYO reusable water bottle instead of buying plastic ones.

• Reusable shopping bags - Bring your own shopping bags and help reduce plastic waste.

• Loose produce - Find plastic free alternatives when buying fruit & veg as well as baked goods such as rolls and pastries.

• Meat, fish & deli- Avoid the plastic trays used for meat, fish and deli items.

• Cleaning - Avoid using cleaning products packaged in single-use plastic.

• Laundry - Simple laundry choices can keep clothes smelling fresh while helping to reduce microplastics.

• Food Storage - Use alternatives to cling wrap and reduce plastic pollution.

• Dental care - Plastic-free toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss.

• Sanitary items - Alternatives to tampons and pads for a plastic free period.

• Soap - Swap liquid soap for bar soaps and avoid single-use plastic.

• Shaving -Swap disposable razors for reusable alternatives.

Find your tribe – at home, school or work and spread the word!

Sign up to commit to reducing single-use plastic https://bit.ly/4atzcQQ