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Northern Ireland has already lost opportunities afforded by the Northern Ireland Climate Act to tackle the climate emergency due to Stormont being suspended for two years and the consequent lack of resources. Meeting targets to reduce emissions will be incredibly challenging, and changing behaviour to enable that will be even more difficult.

Yet it is critical that we put our best foot forward and make sure that we have the right frameworks in place at both UK-wide and Northern Ireland levels and that the resources to properly implement the necessary changes are available.

Northern Ireland cannot operate in isolation; it needs to work with the UK government, the Irish government, and the governments in the other devolved regions. It is critical that in the next mandate our Members of Parliament press for this cooperation and ensure that Northern Ireland is properly resourced in its efforts to fight the climate emergency. In this election, the climate and environment must be a top priority for our politicians, not just during the campaign but for the years ahead. If we take the right actions,

A Better Tomorrow is possible.

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