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Open Tenders

Invitation to Tender: Digital Link

This is an invitation to tender for the development and delivery of functionality to signpost  both climate action and climate awareness training opportunities for users back and forth across two web spaces, as a digital link. A full explanation is outlined in the sections below.

Your submission should be written to address the key requirements and context detailed in  Sections 2, 3, 4 & 5 of this document and demonstrate how it meets the scoring criteria  outlined under section 6. 

Any details not provided or not fully completed may constitute an admission of 
unsuitability/inability to fulfil requirements and may result in the tender being rejected at our  absolute discretion. 

All proposals must be in English.

Prices contained within the proposal must be exclusive of VAT and be in Pounds sterling and  must include ALL fees. 

The project should be complete in line with the Earth Hub timeline. (see below)
If you have any questions about this tender, please contact Scott Howes (Climate Action Strategic Lead) by 6th May 2024 at scott.howes@keepnorthernirelandbeautiful.org

More information is available here